Coaching for Growth

Our Coaching for Growth™ programme has been tried, tested and proven to deliver serious results, our clients see significant growth in sales, profit and the value of their business after enlisting in the programme.

One to one coaching makes a real difference to how you run your business, giving you back control and enabling you to see the “wood from the trees”.

This programme is designed for business owners who are looking for sustainable growth, if this is you then read on..

Our Coaching for Growth™ programme is designed for any business owner looking to gain control over their operations and achieve long term growth, it is recommended for SMEs of all types and in all sectors.

Business Review 

Strategic Analysis

Building Your Strategic Business Model

Marketing Strategy

Operations & Business Process

Support & Follow Up

The coaching sessions can either be held at your office or premises, alternatively they can be booked into our Academy Training hub based centrally in the Midlands, if neither of these options are feasible, we have training facilities we can utilise through the UK 

Coaching sessions are generally carried out weekly or bi monthly following a proven process and working through every aspect of your business to create clear action plans to ensure you are in the best shape to move forward.

The one to one programme typical runs for 6 months but can be tailored to suit the client  if necessary.

● Significant increase in gross and net profit
● Improvement in overall sales
● Improvement in lead to sale ratios
● Controlled cash flow
● Clear plan and objectives going forward
● Improved staff morale
● Sustained growth over time

This programme is designed for business owners looking for significant and sustainable growth and that want to add real value to their company.

This is not a quick fix, or a 5 step programme etc.. It involves a lot of hard work and commitment to overcome big challenges to reach your goals, but we can guarantee if you put the work in, it will be worth it.

Get In Touch. Let's Talk

01283 33 00 77